
Decorex Cape Town 2024

Decorex Cape Town
From June 06, 2024 until June 09, 2024
Cape Town - CTICC (Canolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cape Town), Western Cape, De Affrica
(Gwiriwch ddwywaith y dyddiadau a'r lleoliad ar y safle swyddogol isod cyn mynychu.)

The latest from the JRNL The JRNL is holding an open call for South African designers:Design a recycling bin. Future Talks 2024VISI is a partner. CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR EVENTS.

Decorex Africa is not just an exhibition. It is a movement that uses the power of design to create a better world. We are changing the way we live and creating a better future for both people and planet. This is an example of meticulous craftsmanship. It's about artisans who turn their dreams into reality while being mindful of the impact they have on our planet. This is the story of conscious consumers who demand the ethical, and embrace the lasting.

Themâu sy'n amlygu cysyniadau dylunio blaengar.

Prosiectau unigryw sy'n cyfuno meddyliau creadigol amrywiol.

Lansio'r arloesiadau cynnyrch diweddaraf.

Bydd arbenigwyr yn y diwydiant yn cyflwyno sgyrsiau a gweithdai llawn gwybodaeth.

Mae'r Decorex JRNL yn ganolbwynt gwybodaeth ac addysg ar gyfer y diwydiant dylunio ac addurno.

We need to channel our creativity beyond the conventional realms of home furnishings, such as a couch, sideboard, or chair, and towards a cause which can change the course of the environmental conservation in South Africa. A recycling bin.

Future Talks is an innovative series of talks that explores the most pressing, transformative issues shaping our world. It serves as a dynamic platform for exploring a range of critical subjects, from sustainability and circularity--addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable practices--to the expansive realms of the digital universe, including the omniverse and metaverse, where technology reshapes our perceptions and interactions.

Hits: 7022

Cofrestrwch am docynnau neu fythau

Cofrestrwch ar wefan swyddogol Decorex Cape Town

Map Lleoliad a Gwestai o Gwmpas

Cape Town - CTICC (Canolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cape Town), Western Cape, De Affrica Cape Town - CTICC (Canolfan Gynadledda Ryngwladol Cape Town), Western Cape, De Affrica


800 Cymeriadau ar ôl