
Techneg Manwerthu 2024

Tech Manwerthu
From May 29, 2024 until May 30, 2024
Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Sir Stockholm, Sweden
(Gwiriwch ddwywaith y dyddiadau a'r lleoliad ar y safle swyddogol isod cyn mynychu.)

Technoleg Manwerthu - Sveriges största mässa för hela handeln

Nordic Retail Conference, Exhibition & Meeting Place. Meet new people and build business relationships. 50% OFF YOUR CONFERENCE T-SHIRT. Get 50% off your conference ticket. The NORDIC REGION’S MOST POWERFUL RETAIL EVEN. The NORDIC REGION’S MOST POWERFUL RETAIL EVEN. + 3905. + 650.

R-eTail Conference Tickets 50% off until 5/4.

Konferensbiljett Kostnadsfri massbiljett KonferensprogramHuvudpartnersThe Nordic Region's largest retail exhibition, conference & meeting place +3905 besokare +250 utstallare 100-tals aktiviteter.

Gallwch arbed hyd at 50% ar docynnau cynhadledd.Diogelwch eich sedd heddiw trwy archebu tocyn.Cynnig yn ddilys tan Ebrill 5, am bris rheolaidd.

Gallwch arbed hyd at 50% ar docynnau cynhadledd.Diogelwch eich sedd heddiw trwy archebu tocyn.Cynnig yn ddilys tan Ebrill 5, am bris rheolaidd.

Trade faces many challenges in an age of digital transformation, changing buying behaviors, and increasing demands for sustainability. But there are also endless opportunities. Trade players will gather here to learn about cutting-edge technologies and innovative tools which enhance customer experience. Get tips from the leading industry suppliers on how to improve operational efficiency and increase sales.

Hits: 6231

Cofrestrwch am docynnau neu fythau

Cofrestrwch ar wefan swyddogol Retail Tech

Map Lleoliad a Gwestai o Gwmpas

Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Sir Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm - Kistamassan AB, Sir Stockholm, Sweden


800 Cymeriadau ar ôl