
Marchnad Lles Newark 2024

Marchnad Lles Newark
From September 07, 2024 until September 08, 2024
Newark-on-Trent - Maes Sioe Newark, Lloegr, DU
(Gwiriwch ddwywaith y dyddiadau a'r lleoliad ar y safle swyddogol isod cyn mynychu.)

Sioe Lles Newark | Newyddion LizianEvents

Sioe Les Newark. Croesewir sylwadau bob amser Canslo ateb

Newark Well Being Show 7 + 8, September 2024 Lady Eastwood Centre Newark Showground, NG24 2NY.

Mae 69+ o aelodau'r gymuned wedi rhoi cyflwyniadau a sgyrsiau byw.

The Well Being Weekend is a wonderful event for many reasons. Newark Well Being Show began as a small event, but by 2024 it was on par with other events of this type in the UK. This show has so many things to offer. Visitors can expect to experience a holistic weekend, from retail to holistic therapies and healing. There will be more than 70 community exhibitors, as well as a weekend full of informative talks and presentations. The renowned Yoga Studio will be one of the highlights. There is no better way to connect and meet with so many experts in the well-being field. This event offers unparalleled access to holistic well-being and health experts under one roof.

The September 2023 Show was a great success. Hundreds of people attended the event. The event was a fantastic experience. The community was well represented by the people who came from as far as Newcastle, London and Oxford. Kent, Wales and Kent were also present. The 10 + 11 Feb event is known for its promotion of happiness and well-being. The best UK exhibitors and talks promoting wellbeing will be available to visitors. There will also be a kids' activity area, live entertainment, yoga, Tai Chi, drumming and unlimited parking. All these features make the show a must-see!

Hits: 7377

Cofrestrwch am docynnau neu fythau

Cofrestrwch ar wefan swyddogol Marchnad Llesiant Newark

Map Lleoliad a Gwestai o Gwmpas

Newark-on-Trent - Maes Sioe Newark, Lloegr, DU Newark-on-Trent - Maes Sioe Newark, Lloegr, DU


800 Cymeriadau ar ôl