Expo Frio Calor Ariannin

Expo Frio Calor Ariannin

From September 11, 2024 until September 13, 2024

Yn Buenos Aires - Centro Costa Salguero, Dinas Ymreolaethol Buenos Aires, yr Ariannin

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Gwybodaeth am y sector HVAC-R - Expo Frío Calor Ariannin

Expo Gwres Oer yr Ariannin. Y 5ed Arddangosfa Ryngwladol Gwresogi, Tymheru Aer, Awyru a Rheweiddio, yn ogystal â Dŵr Poeth Domestig. Croeso i Ganolfan Fusnes Sector HVAC-R yr Ariannin a'r Rhanbarth. Pa sectorau y maent yn agored iddynt?

Mae mynediad am ddim gydag achrediad blaenorol. Ni chaniateir i blant dan 18 oed ddod i mewn.

Yr 11eg i 13eg o Fedi 2024Buenos Aires, yr Ariannin.

Expo Cold Heat Argentina5th International Exhibition of Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Domestic Hot water.Buenos Aires - Argentina, September 11-13, 2024Click Here to Download the Exhibitor CatalogWelcome to the Business Center of the HVAC-R Sector of Argentina and Region.Expo Frio Calor Argentina brings together companies and professionals in the industry.Learn about the latest technologies, products and market trends.The ideal place to attend conferences, seminars, Congresses, train and exchange technical and business information.We continue to follow the same principles, values and objectives that we adopted from the start.You are invited to participate in Argentina, Bolivia Chile Paraguay Peru and Uruguay.What sectors are they exposed to?Refrigeration & industrial coldAir-conditioning.Heating.Hot water for the homeAutomation.Air Quality: Clean Rooms and AreasManagement and technical ServicesIsolation.Regulation and control: ElementsTools. Installation tools and accessories.Ventilation.Refrigerants.Visit usArchitectsEngineersDesignersAdvisorsFacility ManagersMaintenance ManagersInstallersTechniciansRepresentativesMerchantsConsultantsOfficialsBe a part of the leading business event in the AIR CONDITIONING SECTOR, including HEATING VENTILATION REFRIGERATION and DOMINICAN hot water.OrganiseMembers ofThe support ofInternational EventsExhibitions.