Gorinchem Workafe

Gorinchem Workafe

From May 13, 2025 until May 14, 2025

Yn Gorinchem - Evenementenhal Gorinchem, De Holland, yr Iseldiroedd

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Worksafe Gorinchem | 13 en 14 mei 2025

Croeso i WORKSAFE, y ffair fasnach ar gyfer gweithio'n iach a diogel. Croeso i WORKSAFE. EDRYCH YN ÔL I 2020. DARLLENWCH Y NEWYDDION DIWEDDARAF YMA. Cyfarfod Play it, y rhai sy'n newid gêm diogelwch. Mae gwerthfawrogiad yn bwysig yn y gweithle. QleanAir: Arloesi ar waith.

Neuadd Digwyddiad Gorinchem, Franklinweg 2, 4207 HZ Gorinchem.

10:00 - 5:00 PM Neuadd Ddigwyddiadau Gorinchem.

You would like to be able to contact professionals who can assist you with a variety of safety issues. Do you want to learn more about machine safety? Process safety? Site safety and safety culture.

Do you work in the fields of prevention, health or soft safety? Would you like to draw the attention of safety professionals in various industries to your company?

The Gorinchem event center will transform into a meeting place for professionals in the industry who are dedicated to a progressive, healthy work environment on May 13 and 14. 2025. Worksafe Gorinchem is about anticipating the trends and technologies which will set the standard for safer and more well-being-driven work environments.

Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar arloesi a mewnwelediad mewn meysydd fel amddiffyn rhag ffrwydrad, ymateb ac atal trychineb, offer amddiffynnol personol, hyfforddiant cynhwysfawr, ac ymgynghoriaeth. Gwyddom fod lles gweithwyr yn hanfodol i lwyddiant unrhyw fusnes. Dyna pam rydym yn ymdrechu i ddarparu'r wybodaeth a'r atebion mwyaf diweddar a pherthnasol.

Discover how to strengthen your safety culture within your company, with an emphasis on the wellbeing of your employees, during Worksafe Gorinchem. We will guide you and inspire your journey towards a healthier and safer work environment. The future of safety at work. Were you also there on the 13th and 14th of May 2025?