
Expo Adeiladau India 2025

Expo Adeiladau India
From March 19, 2025 until March 21, 2025
Delhi Newydd - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India
(Gwiriwch ddwywaith y dyddiadau a'r lleoliad ar y safle swyddogol isod cyn mynychu.)
categorïau: Adeiladu ac Adeiladu

Expo Adeiladu ac InfraTech India - Adeiladu dyfodol cynaliadwy

Building an Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future. Building an Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future.

With India's rapid urbanisation, Building & InfraTech India Expo and Conference brings together Real Estate Developers, City Planners, Policy Makers, and other Stakeholders from the infrastructure developers and technology sector.Covering a 3600 spectrum of the Construction sector, the expo showcases the latest innovations in Design, Materials and Technologies that address aspects of Urban Planning, Design & Architecture of Green buildings, Infra Projects, home automation etc.

Let's Talk Smart Cities Interview Series showcases various video interviews/fire side chats with Directors of Smart Cities Mission (MoHUA), Smart City CEOs, Municipal Commissioners, and leading Industry stalwarts.

The expo serves as a perfect platform to facilitate partnerships, reconnect with clients, advance knowledge and meet high profile decision-makers from private and government sectors, to place your products directly in the hands of buyers, and provide a powerful message to potential clients. Visit an event packed with expert-led content, knowledge leaders and the latest products that will drive your business forward.

Rhwydweithio a Thyfu eich busnes gydag ymgysylltiad trwy gydol y flwyddyn gyda'r rhai sy'n gwneud penderfyniadau allweddol a phrynwyr o'r gymuned Cynllunio Trefol, Dylunio a Gweithredu Prosiect.

Manteisio ar ddoethineb arweinwyr y diwydiant ar draws meysydd technoleg a seilwaith ac ymweld â chydgyfeiriant allweddol o arbenigwyr o'r sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat yn y Gynhadledd fusnes eithaf yn India.

Hits: 7029

Cofrestrwch am docynnau neu fythau

Cofrestrwch ar wefan swyddogol Buildings India Expo

Map Lleoliad a Gwestai o Gwmpas

Delhi Newydd - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India Delhi Newydd - Pragati Maidan, Delhi, India


Jenny Kao
yn wir,
我想要知道2024年國際建築展的進程, 謝謝~

800 Cymeriadau ar ôl